Refund Policy

Customers have 30 days from the date the goods are shipped to contact us via phone or e-mail regarding defective or damaged merchandise. If you have mistakenly ordered an item, we allow up to 7 days after you have received the goods to get them back in the mail to us. Each item returned is put through an inspection process to verify the quality of the goods. Assuming the product was not abused and it is the same thing we shipped out originally, we can either refund you or send a replacement item. If item(s) are out of stock the customer will be given the choice of back ordering the item or receiving a refund. If the item(s) returned have been tampered with (warranty seal pulled, merchandise has been mistreated, etc.) we will still accept the return but cannot give full money back.

If more than 30 days have passed from the day of shipment your warranty will be void. Special exceptions may be allowed under extenuating circumstances and these situations will be taken into consideration by the staff at Gaming Generations. We strongly recommend contacting us as soon as possible if you have a problem with an item. If you have any questions about our return policy, please feel free to contact us.

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